The purpose of the work is to identify and analyze the features of the value sphere of individuals with different levels of subjective well-being. The sample included 115 university students, 63 of them girls and 52 boys. Age from 18 to 25 years. The survey was conducted anonymously and voluntarily via a social network. The authors used the questionnaires "Level of correlation between value and availability in various spheres of life" (USDC) by E.B. Fantalova; "Scale of subjective well-being" (SSB) by A. Perrudet-Badoux, O. Mendelsohn, J. Chiche; "Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)" by E. Diener et al Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, K-means cluster analysis, and ANOVA variance analysis are used for data processing. Statistical processing of data was performed using SPSS 22.0. Cluster analysis allowed to consider rates of SHSB and techniques SHUG in the outcome measure of subjective well-being; based on this, groups with high, medium and low levels of subjective wellbeing were allocated. It is revealed that the composition of priority values in groups with high and medium levels of subjective well-being is almost identical. This includes a happy family life, love, and having good and loyal friends. The list of priority values of people with a low level of subjective wellbeing is fundamentally different from it: self-confidence, financially secure life, freedom as independence in actions and actions. Students with a low level of subjective well-being revealed a significant discrepancy in the assessment of the significance and accessibility of personal values. This group is particularly vulnerable because of the high level of importance of a financially secure life, while the assessment of the availability of this value is the same as that of the subjectively more well-off. Another vulnerability is due to extremely low self-confidence score along with extremely high rating of the significance of this personal characteristic. This data can be useful for teachers, consultants, and anyone who cares about the psychological state of university students.

Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)68-79
Число страниц12
ЖурналVoprosy Psikhologii
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Психология (все)

ID: 74941698