The landscape structure of the Aktash and Mena villages (South-Eastern Altai, Russia) is considered, which were formed over a long period under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. Large-scale landscape map was composed by the method of landscape mapping. Landscape map was composed based on field research, digital elevation model (DEM), high-resolution satellite images, geomorphological map (scale 1:200,000), map of quaternary sediments (scale 1:200,000) and topographic map (scale 1:50000). 41 landscape taxa were allocated on the landscape map (format ArcGIS 10.1). The classification model of the locations was accepted in this work: mid-mountains - from 1000 to 2050 m, high-mountains - more than 2050 m, mountain-valley; slopes with northern exposure from 0° to 45° and 315° to 360°, slopes with the eastern exposure from 45° to 135°, slopes with southern exposure from 135° to 225°, slopes western exposure from 225° to 315°; flat surface inclination from 0° to 3°, low gradient slopes from 3° to 10°, medium gradient slopes from 10° to 25°, steep slopes more than 25°. Landscape diversity is associated with a significant dismemberment of the territory. The largest areas are occupied by mid-mountain landscapes: low gradient slopes (with slopes from 3° to 10°) of mountain ranges of the eastern exposure, composed of deluvial-solifluction and diluvial and sometimes glacial deposits with motley grass-grasses steppes, places with wormwood-herb-bunchgrass steppes - 11%. Steep slopes (slope more than 25°) of mountain ranges of the southern exposition, composed of deluvial, sometimes - glacial deposits, places with outcrops of subsurface rock with sparse larch-spruce motley grass-grasses forests are occupied 11% of the study area. The high landscape variety of the vicinities of the village of Aktash and the presence of archaeological sites attracts more and more tourists. As a result, it is the construction of tourist bases and the laying of new roads. Floodplain landscapes with floodplain meadows, as well as flat surfaces and gentle slopes of mountain ranges with motley grass-grasses steppes, places with wormwood-herb-bunchgrass steppes, located at different hypsometric levels are used by the local population for live-stock grazing.