The study focuses on two subjects: the personal composition of the retinue of Grand Princess Maria Yaroslavna, the wife of Vasily the Dark, and her landowners. For the first time in historiography, the compositions of the Boyar Duma, of the palace administration, of the office (clerks), of the servants of various official ranks have been reconstructed on the basis of all known sources, among which acts and genealogy books should be singled out. The author has managed to collect and analyze information about more than 30 persons who at different times comprised the Princess's Court. The most controversial issues relate to the time of the service of some boyars, clerks, identification of their social status, individual signs for certifying documents (clerical monograms). The paper examines the domain of the Princess, stages of its development, the composition and location of the land, their ownership. It is concluded that Vasily II assigned Maria Yaroslavna the role of the ultimate arbitrator in relations between children. A personal retinue, sovereign rights in her principality had to strengthen the position of the Grand Princess as a liaison between the eldest son, Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, and his brothers. The retinue of the Grand Princess was characterized by mobility and a certain openness. It was closely connected with the retinues of the sons of Maria Yaroslavna - Andrei Menshoi, Andrei Bolshoi and Ivan III. Probably, one of the principles of Maria Yaroslavna's activity in maintaining balance, cohesion and unity in the princely family lay in the openness of her retinue.

Переведенное названиеThe retinue of the grand princess maria yaroslavna
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)19-48
Число страниц30
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020

    Области исследований

  • Appanage, Grand Princess's Retinue, Maria Yaroslavna, Social history, Vasily the Dark

    Предметные области Scopus

  • История

ID: 71503508