Константин Алексеевич Очеретяный - Докладчик

In the system of careful control, the key role is given to operations and functions of our technical devices (smart-phones, PCs, fitness-trackers, etc.), which have become automatic. Along with the juridical consolidation of ‘bare life’ at the center of contemporary politics, which is thoroughly analysed by Agamben, we see its aspiration for centrality to technical reality. The body – alive, biologized, or alienated – is at the juncture of care and control technics installed in new media. Their autonomy (as well as autopoiesis, according to Niklas Luhmann) might be traced back to classical European metaphysics. Our task here is to reconstruct the metaphysical (or following Agamben’s suggestions, theological) genealogy of care and control apparatuses in order to launch a meditation on techniques which might help abolish and neutralise these apparatuses.
24 июн 2021

Событие (конференция)

ЗаголовокMedia Philosophy and Theological Aesthetics of Algorithms
МестоположениеDeutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik (DGÄ) and the research group Theology & Contemporary Culture at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University Prague.
Степень признаниямеждународный уровень

ID: 86441424