The WTO Agreement does not determine whether WTO norms have direct effect in the domestic legal systems of WTO Members. The chapter explores this issue as to the Russian legal system. The author examines the jurisprudence of Russian domestic courts and shows their approach as to provisions of WTO law. The chapter also addresses the Treaty on the Functioning of the [Eurasian] Customs Union in the Framework of the Multilateral Trading System, which provides for a special role for WTO norms in the EAEU legal system.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLaw of International Trade in the Region of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Russia
Subtitle of host publicationPublic International Law, Private Law, Dispute Settlement
EditorsAlexander Trunk, Marina Trunk-Fedorova, Azar Aliyev
ISBN (Electronic)9789004357839
ISBN (Print)9789004357822
StatePublished - 2022

Publication series

NameNijhoff International Trade Law Series

ID: 101753428