
The paper presents findings of the geographical, quantitative, and
thematic analysis of 55 identified board games on William Shakespeare produced in nine countries of America, Europe, and Asia.
Translated title of the contributionУильям Шекспир в международных настольных играх
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEducation Transformation Issues
Subtitle of host publication#3. The collection includes 9th the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Education Transformation Issues” by SCIEURO in London 27-29 December 2019
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9781789727609
StatePublished - Dec 2019
Event9th the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Education Transformation Issues” - London, United Kingdom
Duration: 27 Dec 201929 Dec 2019


Conference9th the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Education Transformation Issues”
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

    Research areas

  • William Shakespeare, literature board game, USA, UK, Russia, Germany, France, Austria, Czech Republic, Brazil, Japan

ID: 62220175