Age of metavolcanics first discovered in Svecofennides of the Ladoga region is determined using the U-Pb zircon dating. Volcanics of the Lahdenpohja Group (high-T equivalent of the Ladoga Group) are dated at 1883.8 ± 4.7 Ma that is consistent with age of island-arc volcanics occurring in a similar tectonic setting within the Tampere belt in Finland. The U-Pb dating of monazite that is of metamorphic genesis showed that metamorphism of studied volcanics took place 1871.3 ± 1.9 Ma ago was concurrent therefore to the time of metamorphism and ultrametamorphism responsible for origin of gneisses in the region 1880-1870 Ma ago. Away from the Karelian craton boundary, there are distinguished the Na- and K-zones, the former with the Ca-subzone, which reflect geochemical and lithologic peculiarities of respective Early Proterozoic rocks. The upper age limit of metapelites and metashales in the Priozersk K-zone most remote from the Karelian craton corresponds to the date 1875.8 ± 5.5 Ma obtained for the Priozersk intrusive complex of plagiogranites. Culmination of metamorphism and ultrametamorphism in this zone is comparable in age (1881-1870 Ma) and P-T-parameters (T = 800°C, P = 5-6 kbar) with the same event in the Lahdenpohja Na-zone of pericratonic rocks. Metasediments of the Lahdenpohja zone, mostly Ca-Na graywackes, are not older than metamorphic rocks of the Priozersk zone. Al-gneisses of the granulite metamorphic grade were formed 1880.1 ± 7.7. Ma ago according to Pb-Pb age of sillimanite widespread in the Priozersk zone. Concordant age of monazite with sillimanite inclusions is 1860.3 ± 4.4 Ma. Based on the study of region position between the Karelian continent of the Archean time and Early Proterozoic island-arc structures of southeastern Finland, it is suggested that Svecofennides of the Ladoga region originated after an island-arc structure. Accordingly, supracrustal formations of the region represent metamorphic equivalents of turbidites and volcanics of that mature island arc that existed 1.96-1.88 Ga ago.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)119-133
Number of pages15
JournalStratigraphy and Geological Correlation
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2005
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Isotopic dating, Ladoga Group, Lahdenpohja Group, Metamorphism, Monazite, Sillimanite, Svecofennides, Volcanics, Zircon

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Stratigraphy
  • Paleontology

ID: 93115398