
The development of information and communication technologies, their active implementation in the practice of political
management, over time has made it possible to use the capabilities of the Internet to solve the problems of both managers
(making decisions, reducing costs of various kinds) and civil society (accountability of public servants and the
government, reducing corruption component). Illustrative here is the existence in many countries of the world of the
practice of e-government (e-governance), which, in turn, is one of the stages of digitalization (digitalization) of public
administration. For developing countries, the introduction of digital governance is becoming an urgent need due to the
flourishing traditions of corruption, nepotism, coups, closed regimes, and the desire to leave the category of developing
countries. In addition, the choice of developing countries of Latin America as cases for the study was influenced by the
high level of Internet access development in the countries of the region, a large number of users, and high rates of
Internet access. The concept of good governance, used by the UN in assessing the quality of governance, is the theoretical
basis of the study. Present paper focuses on the study of the introduction of e-governance and digital governance in three
developing countries of Latin America: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 18th International Conference e-Society 2020. Virtual Conference, 2-4 April, 2020.
PublisherIADIS Press
ISBN (Electronic)978-989-8704-14-6
StatePublished - 2020
Event18th International Conference e-Society 2020 - Sofia, Bulgaria
Duration: 2 Apr 20204 Apr 2020


Conference18th International Conference e-Society 2020
Abbreviated titleES 2020

    Research areas

  • Digital Governance, Developing Countries, Latin America

ID: 71395484