This study introduces blockchain virtualization as a solution to tackle modern challenges. Evaluating the DGT network as a model, experiments probe the impact of virtualization (network-of-networks) on scaling and latency, shedding light on its potential for enhanced performance. Conclusively, the study emphasizes the significance of blockchain virtualization for enhancing blockchain performance and scalability. Future directions of research are discussed, including testing of security and privacy within virtualized environments and the potential of virtualization in shaping cloud-based blockchain-as-a-service solutions. In sum, blockchain virtualization emerges as a pivotal innovation poised to redefine the landscape of blockchain technology and its applications.
Translated title of the contributionВиртуальная сеть блокчейн: новый способ безопасного обмена данными
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysics of Particles and Nuclei
StateAccepted/In press - Oct 2023
EventInternational Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education" - JINR, Dubna, Russian Federation
Duration: 3 Jul 20237 Jul 2023
Conference number: 10

ID: 114280564