Vannella samoroda n. sp. (Amoebozoa, Vannellida) was isolated from the mouth of the Malaya Samoroda river flowing into Elton, the largest European hypersaline lake (Russia). Among all rivers of the area, it has the highest salt content (ca. 110‰). Amoebae maintained in seawater medium with ca. 77‰ salts concentration had a set of morphological characters typical of Vannella spp.: rounded, fan-shaped, or spatulate locomotive form, floating form with bent, blunt-ended hyaline pseudopodia, and a cell coat consisting of regularly packed palisade elements and scarce simple filaments. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA and cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 genes show that the amoeba is most closely related to Vannella ebro Smirnov, 2001, but represents a distinct species. The clade of V. ebro and V. samoroda branches among marine species of Vannella. The studied species is the first member of the genus Vannella from a continental saline habitat described using molecular data. Interestingly, it has a broad range of salinity tolerance: cells reproduce above 18‰, while survival of a few cells regularly occurs even in highly diluted Prescott and James medium. The normal culture restores itself when PJ medium is substituted with 77‰ seawater medium even after months of experimental incubation.
Original languageEnglish
Article number125634
Number of pages11
JournalEuropean Journal of Protistology
Early online date11 Sep 2019
StatePublished - Oct 2019

    Research areas

  • Hypersaline biotopes, Molecular phylogeny, Morphology, New combination, Salinity tolerance, Vannella, DACTYLOPODIDA, PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS, SUBUNIT RIBOSOMAL-RNA, LOBOSEA, TAXONOMY, AMEBAS, SALTON-SEA, PROTOZOA, DISCOSEA, GYMNAMOEBIA

    Scopus subject areas

  • Microbiology

ID: 45258944