The paper studies eventive value parameters of cinematic discourse, and analyses representation of eventive value concept SPACE in Chinese film spatial evaluation language. The main focus is to study value parameters and cultural significance of SPACE concept in Chinese culture and global community, as well as emotional and evaluative aspects of texts on films about the space in cinematic discourse; linguistic markers referring to film as an event of social and cultural relevance are analyzed. It is suggested that value dimension of cinema art is an integral part of eventive value parameters in culture that includes cinematic discourse reflecting social and cultural worldviews of society.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2019 International Conference on Religion, Culture and Art (ICRCA 2019)
Place of PublicationCanada, Ontario
PublisherClausius Scientific Press
ISBN (Print)978-1-989348-15-4
StatePublished - 2019
Event2019 International Conference on Religion, Culture and Art - Университет Сианя (Xi'an University), г. Сиань , China
Duration: 21 Sep 201922 Sep 2019
Conference number: 1


Conference2019 International Conference on Religion, Culture and Art
Abbreviated titleICRCA 2019
Cityг. Сиань

    Research areas

  • Language and culture studies, value event, concept, hyperconcept, cinematic discourse, cinematic text, evaluation, emotional priority, COGNITIVE DISSONANCE

ID: 51054011