The electronic structure of complexes [Ru(XY)L5]q (L = NH3, CI-, CN-; XY = NO, CO, N2) was represented as a combination of valence schemes based on ab initio and semiempirical quantum-chemical calculations. It was found that schemes corresponding to a covalent π bond between Ru(III) and NO contribute most in the case of the complexes containing a {RuNO}3+ group, which makes possible the nitroso ligands in these compounds to be considered as uncharged NO molecules. The necessity of inclusion of electron correlation in the description of π interactions between the metal and ligands was shown.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1831-1839
Number of pages9
JournalRussian Journal of General Chemistry
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2002

    Scopus subject areas

  • Chemistry(all)

ID: 34661540