For the first time, the organic sediments of the Kazantsevo Horizon (Baikal Region) were characterized geochronometrically. The 230Th/U age of the buried gyttias from the Upper Neopleistocene Ust Oda stratotypical section on the Kitoi River was determined using a new version of isochronous approximation. The assemblage of all the 230Th/U age data, which were obtained taking into account the errors in the entire range from 136 to 86 kyr, indicates that most likely gyttia age is 115–104 kyr (MIS 5d). Thus, the paleontological conclusions on the Kazantsevo age of the Ust Oda Formation with buried gyttias are confirmed. Our geochronometric data supplement and make more reliable the age model of the formation of sedimentary rocks of the Ust Oda section.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)266–270
Number of pages5
JournalDoklady Earth Sciences
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2017

    Research areas

  • U–Th age, buried gyttias, Ust Oda Reference Section, Baikal Region, Kazantsevo (MIS 5) Interglacial, Upper Neopleistocene

ID: 7741668