This work is devoted to the problem of using modern visual conceptual knowledge modeling in teaching of management and other socio-economic disciplines in business schools and universities. We consider two most popular visual modeling tools — mind maps and concept maps. These models are often called mental models or knowledge maps. The main stress is put on a didactic
maps development methodology and practical examples of their creation for different business oriented courses using modern software. Mind-maps are hierarchical diagrams used for visual representation of ideas, projects, and tasks, which are connected with the main concept and organized radially around it. They are used for generating, visualization, structuring and classification of ideas, as well as for facilitation of education and decision-making processes. Graphical representation, as a method for compact information organization, can be used as a powerful mind tool with regard to any intellectual professional activity domain, including education. The tool of visual maps can be used in teaching of any discipline. Maps are used also for student knowledge control, for preparation of presentations and other types of teaching materials. The problem of structuring and visual representation of knowledge is not a trivial issue, especially for distance learning forms.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Education (ICE-2012)
EditorsChrysovaladis Prachalias
Place of PublicationGreece
PublisherResearch and Training Institute of East Aegean
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)978-618-5009-05-2
StatePublished - 2012
Event8th International Conference on Education - Research and Training Institute of the East Aegean (INEAG), Samos Island, Greece
Duration: 5 Jul 20127 Jul 2012
Conference number: 8


Conference8th International Conference on Education
Abbreviated titleICE-2012
CitySamos Island

    Research areas

  • knowledge management, visual conceptual models, teaching

ID: 36615317