• Viktor Shurygin
  • Anna Berestova
  • Tatiana Litvinova
  • Eugeny Kolpak
  • Alesya Nureyeva

The study describes the effectiveness of digital technological solutions in education. Students, postgraduates, teachers, and medical business representatives have tested a comprehensive educational product based on the capabilities of learning management system (LMS) platforms. The online course was implemented on the e-learning platforms such as Moodle, Schoology, TalentLMS, Canvas LMS, Docebo, iSpringLearn’s, Brightspace, Absorb LMS. The implementation of advanced e-learning models ensured the effectiveness of the educational process. The focus on the development of the personal potential of each educational process participant made it possible to create a personalized learning environment and evoke a sense of personal significance and importance. The focus on feedback has created a creative communication environment for the exchange of knowledge, thoughts and ideas satisfying participants’ educational needs for self-expression and creativity. The collective creativity of the educational process participants made it possible to develop a high-quality corporate culture of the students involved, which became the basis for establishing business partnerships in the system of education, science, and business. Based on the observations, a universal model of an effective educational process in the digital age has been developed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-75
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
Issue number9
StatePublished - 2021

    Research areas

  • advanced learning technology, E-learning, learning management systems (LMS), online platforms

    Scopus subject areas

  • Education
  • Engineering(all)

ID: 100877803