The risk of underfinancing of realization of the basic and additional educational programs of the higher and postgraduate student training (further, educational programs) for concrete high school is the uncertain possibility of insufficiency of financial assets on realization of these educational programs. Essential factors of this risk are absence of scientifically well-founded, developed and approved model, standard financings per one student of educational programs, and also, a residual principle of financing of education operating in the Russian economy. The analysis of the Russian and foreign practice of financing of higher education shows that at using of standards financings per one student is necessary to give special attention to the account of following variants of display of risk factors of underfinancing: unreasonable specifications of a parity between number of students and the number of teachers of separate program; insufficient level of an average salary of the faculty participating in realizat
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationManagement Challenges in the 21st Century. Manazment v 21. storoci: problemy a vychodiska. Conference Proceedings/Zbornik recenzovanych prispevkov. Panonska csta 17, Bratislava. April 25 2012.
Pages325 - 331
StatePublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Financing of higher education, risk factors of underfinancing, reforming russian higher school

ID: 4594172