Intravital video microscopy was used to study the motility of frog (Rana temporaria) olfactory cilia exposed to various odorants-pentanol, camphor, cineole, and vanillin (first group); ammonia and hydrogen sulfide (second group)-and to the cell respiration inhibitors rotenone and malonate. It was demonstrated that the olfactory cilia had both the dynein-tubulin and actin-myosin molecular motility systems, the former providing unordered and the latter, ordered movements. The motility became ordered in response to exposure to odorants. The tested odorants belonging to different groups had different effects on the mitochondrial respiratory chain activity and the motility of olfactory cilia.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)539-543
Number of pages5
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2008

    Scopus subject areas

  • Biophysics

    Research areas

  • Cytoskeleton reorganization, Dynein-tubulin and actin-myosin molecular motility systems, Mitochondrial respiration, Olfactory cilia

ID: 36308866