The authors present the theoretical and methodological culture of journalism
research as a holistic phenomenon and its correlation with the practice of scientific work. The generalization of data and scientific ideas is performed in relation to the analysis of journalism. A comprehensive description of this culture is formed. The authors consider the development of world and domestic theoretical thought in the field of study, focusing on Russian traditions, experience and needs. At the empirical level, the method of content analysis of scientific papers prepared by young Russian researchers is used. The authors conclude that there is a noticeable gap between the academic ideas about the theoretical and methodological culture of journalism research and the quality of published scientific products.
Translated title of the contributionТеоретико-методологическая культура исследования журналистики в России
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-84
JournalAD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Issue number1, Special Issue VI
StatePublished - May 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences(all)

ID: 41768795