This article examines the journalistic art of the Russian symbolist Valery Bryusov during the First World War. The poet’s response to the war were not only his poems, but also numerous journalistic essays in the press, most of which were based on his personal observations as a war correspondent of the newspaper "Russian Gazette". The study was undertaken with the aim to understand how the author of these texts perceived the Great War, which sides of the war he strove to disclose and display in his journalistic works, in what way his views of the events were correlated with public opinion and the views of other members of the cultural elite of the Silver Age. The conclusion based on the undertaken textual, contextual, socio-cultural analysis is that the main content of V. Y. Bryusov’s military correspondence concerns not questions of geopolitics, strategy and tactics of the combatants but the existence of a person in the military environment. Frontline notes and essays of the Russian symbolist is a kind of ar
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)800–809
JournalInternational Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Issue numberMarch. Special issue
StatePublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • V. Y. Bryusov, military journalism, history of Russian journalism, the First World War, Silver Age of Russian culture

ID: 7571036