Direct investments, cooperation links, information flows, global infrastructure, as well as agglomeration effect, fill up the space with geo-economic content. In this paper, a classification of the main territorial elements of globalized geo-economic space (GGS) was done. In that way, we especially mark out the ports and port-cities. However, if the role of these ' hotbeds ' of economic activity is estimated very clearly in the view of global economic agents (the speed of operation, the presence of a full-service, single-window effect, cost and time savings, additional markets and new resources), but contribution of this elements to the home economy of a particular country or region and its connectivity with hinterland are the subject of a certain study. Thus, based on spesial literature and statistical data the different types of the major elements of GGS of the USA., Western Europe, China were formulated, also its competitivness, impacts to the development of home economy were evaluated. In our work, we emp
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Regional Science Association
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • geo-economy, coastal region, city-port, globalization, cluster, geo-advantage, global city

ID: 4366461