The object of this research is the identification of political and cultural trends in modern Russian politics which are aimed at constructing the national and state identity of Russians. It is argued that Russian policy is built on the basis of the national past, applied, depending on different circumstances, to the present. Nevertheless, while remaining basically a country with dominating conservative values, Russia absorbs those features of a foreign political culture that at this stage of development are the most appropriate to the needs of society and which society is able to adopt, and rejects such features for which it is perceived that the majority of Russian citizens are not yet ready. Thus, the formation of narrative practices characterizing the continuity and coherence of Russian policy in modern conditions is not yet finished. Identity is considered as a political category determined by a person's values, emotional perception of socio-political reality, as well as rationally motivated interests and needs. The emphasis is placed on the macropolitical identity, including the national-state identity, which is the object of the state and interest groups targeting, the policy of the identity formation and construction. The author tried to justify the formation of a civil political culture and world, which appeared due to technological and social changes to be taking place in the country, and which will contribute to the change of the existing conservative paradigm, where the formation of national-state identity of the Russians takes place.
Translated title of the contributionВзаимодействие политики и культуры в контексте нарративных практик как механизм социального конструирования идентичности
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99-115
JournalBalcan Social science review
Issue number14
StatePublished - 25 Dec 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences(all)

    Research areas

  • political culture, cultural paradigm, cultural and value-based conflict, national-state identity, political identity

ID: 49895305