In formation of the Oceanology (Oceanography) in Russia the role of scientists of the University, widely famous in the scientific world,-E. Lenz, Yu. Shokalsky-is great. Marine specialization at geographical faculty of the University arose thanks to the initiative of students supported by their teacher-professor of faculty Yu. Shokalsky in the 30th years of the last century. For training of the first domestic oceanographers Yu. Shokalsky's monograph "Oceanography" published in Petrograd in 1917 had huge value. In 2015 will be seventy years since the basis of the oceanology department at the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State university: the first department of oceanology in university education system of the country. The researcher of the Arctic with a world name, the outstanding geographer, V. Vize became the head of the department. Especially noticeable contribution to formation of department, development of educational process and scientific research is made by the famous polar oceanographer, the Hero of the Soviet Union prof. V. Buynitsky who headed department aft er V. Vize death in 1954. In a sense it is possible to speak about the scientific school of polar oceanography created on department of oceanology of St. Petersburg State University. The heads of the department: prof. V. Vize, prof. V. Buynitsky, and Yu. Shokalsky's pupil, academician of Academy of Sciences of the USSR A. Treshnikov heading department from 1981 to 1991 (having replaced on this post of the died V. Buynitsky); were outstanding polar researchers. The main aspect in training of specialists and in scientific work on department of oceanology of St. Petersburg State University there is a Physical oceanography. Systematic use of the remote sensing the ocean from Space-Satellite oceanology became the new direction in science about the Sea which gained development on department of oceanology from the middle of the 70th years under the perspicacious guide of V. Buynitsky. Important areas of scientific interests of department are investigations of large-scale variability of oceanological conditions of northwest part of the Pacific Ocean and the Far East seas. Th ey are carried out under the leadership of Honorable professor of St. Petersburg State University V. Foux (the head of the department aft er A. Treshnikov's death till 1997) as on department, and by forces of the scientific research institute laboratory of geography of St. Petersburg State University created by him. Professor of department of oceanology, the head of the laboratory of regional oceanology V. Foux, actively continues and develops school of sciences of physical oceanography and satellite oceanology of St. Petersburg State University.

Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)137-144
Number of pages8
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2015

    Research areas

  • Development of Oceanology (Oceanography) at the SPbSU, Formation, Russia.

    Scopus subject areas

  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)
  • Environmental Science(all)

ID: 47447843