A class of queueing networks which consist of single-server fork-join nodes with infinite buffers is examined to derive a representation of the network dynamics in terms of max-plus algebra. For the networks, we present a common dynamic state equation which relates the departure epochs of customers from the network nodes in an explicit vector form determined by a state transition matrix. We show how the matrix may be calculated from the service time of customers in the general case, and give examples of matrices inherent in particular networks.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 1996 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Portland, OR, July 21-25, 1996
EditorsV. W. Ingalls, J. Cynamon, A. Saylor
PublisherSociety for Computer Simulation International
ISBN (Print)1-56555-098-6
StatePublished - 1996

    Scopus subject areas

  • Management Science and Operations Research
  • Algebra and Number Theory

    Research areas

  • model design, system dynamics, queueing networks

ID: 4409953