The paper reveals the place of the concept of cultural diversity in the cultural policy of the European Union, which gradually replaces the previously dominant concepts of multiculturalism and pan-European cultural heritage. Based on the material of original sources, conventions, and declarations of UNESCO as the most authoritative organization in the field of culture, as well as on the basis of a large body of documentation of the European Union regulating its cultural policy, the authors sought to show the transformation of the fundamental ideas that determine the modern EU policy in the culture sector. This study has examined the documentary foundations of maintaining cultural diversity, it has shown its importance for modern Europe, and also it has characterized the importance of individual programs and projects implemented in modern Europe in this direction.
The paper identifies the reasons that led to a paradigm shift in the cultural policy of the European Union at the beginning of the 21st century. These reasons lie not only in multinational European culture, accordingly there are frequent statements about the unwillingness to lose the national cultural heritage and there have been calls to preserve this heritage and diversity. An equally important reason was the influx into Europe of a large number of migrants who are carriers of their own national cultures, complementing European culture and requiring respect and attention to their own cultural traditions.
Today, there are numerous transformations in the culture of Europe; the very appearance of Europe and its cultural landscape are being changed. In this regard, the issues of cultural diversity are becoming particularly relevant and acute. The material in this paper can be used to develop regulatory frameworks and to prepare projects and programs dedicated to the preservation of cultural diversity not only in Europe but also in other countries of the world.