• N.N. Sobolev
  • D.V. Metelkin
  • V.A. Vernikovsky
  • N.Y. Matyshkin
  • A.V. Prokop’ev
  • V.B. Ershova
  • A.V. Shmanyak
  • E.O. Petrov
© 2014, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. This paper presents the first actual information on the geology of Jeannette Island, one of the islands of the De Long archipelago located in the East Siberian Sea. We show that Jeannette Island has a volcano-sedimentary section dominated by volcaniclastic turbidites. The sequence identified on the southwestern coast of the island has a submonoclinal plunge complicated by secondary deformation structures, which indicate a general E-W direction of tectonic transport (in present-day coordinates). The sequence is intensely cut by multiple thin (up to a few meters) gabbro-dolerite dikes that are deformed conformably with the host rocks. The general geological framework of the island bears a close resemblance to that of nearby Henrietta Island located some 70 km to the east, which consists of a volcano-sedimentary cover of Early Paleozoic age. No organic remains have been found in the studied section of Jeannette Island. The preliminary results of isotope geochronological and pale
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1504-1509
JournalDoklady Earth Sciences
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2014

ID: 7038012