Abstract: The given paper presents an approach to recording a database of normal and pathological singers’ voices. In the paper the procedure of recording is described. The subjects are classified according to the healthy state of their voices. The database can be used for different biome dical and phonetic studies. The data obtained can be applied to many applications such as speech/speaker recognition, speech synthesis, emotion identification, age identification, speech coding and various medical applications.
Translated title of the contributionБаза данных в норме и припатологических состояниях голосов певцов: подход к сбору материала
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication10th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Models and Analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications
EditorsClaudia Manfredi
Place of PublicationФлоренция, Италия
PublisherFirenze University Press
Number of pages2
EditionFirenze University Press
ISBN (Electronic)978-88-6453-607-1
ISBN (Print)978-88-6453-606-4
StatePublished - Dec 2017
EventModels and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications 1 - Флоренция, Italy
Duration: 13 Dec 201715 Dec 2017
Conference number: 10

Publication series

NameModels and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications
PublisherFirenze University Press
ISSN (Print)2704-601X
ISSN (Electronic)2704-5846


ConferenceModels and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications 1
Abbreviated titleMAVEBA
Internet address

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