The aim of this article is to to establish or reestablish the time frames and main directions of the colonization process in relation to the Greater-Armenian, Caucasian Albanian and Iberian lands captured by the Semitic-speaking Arab-Muslim tribes in the early Middle Ages. A parallel task is to identify the occupied areas in these countries of the Armenian Plateau and the Southern Caucasus and provide a list of the tribes that ruled over each of these areas. These lands were united by various tribal groups from the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Upper Mesopotamia during the 8th and 9th centuries, and this was achieved within the framework of the Arab vilayet of Armīniya. Under the early ‘Abbasids (al- ‘Abbāsīyūn, 750–1258) the colonizers gradually transformed these areas of Armīniya into their own domains, and then into their hereditary emirates. In order to fulfil the above aims, the author makes use of contemporary accounts and chronicles, as well as an examination of the coins in use in the area under scruti
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-17
JournalArchiv Orientalni
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Arab Caliphate | Arab vilayet of Armīniya | Arab-Muslim tribes | Arab-Muslim Emiratesof Armīniya | Greater Armenia |Caucasian Iberia | Caucasian Albania | Arrān | Ǧurzān

ID: 7731453