Cities are constructed and organized by people, and in turn become an important factor in the organization of human life. They are sites of both social encounter and social division and provide for their inhabitants “a sense of place”. This book explores the nature of Russian cities, outlining the role played by various Russian cities over time. It focuses on a range of cities including provincial cities, considering both physical, iconic, created cities, and also cities as represented in films, fiction and other writing. Overall, the book provides a rich picture of the huge variety of Russian cities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon, New York
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Number of pages328
Edition1st Edition
ISBN (Electronic)9781315143651
ISBN (Print)9781138310230
StatePublished - Apr 2018

Publication series

NameRoutledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)
  • Social Sciences(all)

ID: 30500185