This article is the result of a book symposium host by the peer-review journal "Southeastern Europe". Admittedly, the content of the book under scrutiny faced an uneasy task, since it had to elaborate an edited textbook on democratization and reconciliation in the post-Yugoslav space. Although stemming from a 3-year research project carried out together with a strong international team of scholars and partners, the definition of its framework has required a careful balance of topics, narratives, and a selection of additional insights, in order to make an interdisciplinary text easily accessible to a broader audience, including young readers who approach this issue for the first time. Therefore, both Eltion and I read with great pleasure and interest the comments of our commentators Duško Lopandić and Asim Mujkić. They perfectly grasped the sense of our effort. Furthermore, they entered in-depth in the most relevant controversies that still mark the debate over democratization and reconciliation in the post-Yugoslav States, offering us – within these pages of “Southeastern Europe” – a new opportunity for elaborating further some key questions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)94-99
JournalSoutheastern Europe
Issue number1
StatePublished - 20 Jan 2022

    Research areas

  • democratization, reconciliation, Yugoslav decline, investigation

ID: 101462674