Dolphins emit a probing pulse and receive an echo pulse for echolocation during hunting, on the basis of which they detect and identify their prey in the search phase. In the capture phase, dolphins require a stable auditory response to the echo pulse. To explain the features of the perception of echo pulses in the search and capture phases, the pulse-induced response of an ensemble of high-frequency peripheral fibers was modeled. A pair of pulses with center frequencies of 70 kHz, different inter-pulse intervals and peak amplitudes was a model of a probing pulse and an echo pulse. The pulses entered the model at different processing steps, including the transformation of the receptor potential of inner hair cells into a sequence of action potentials of an ensemble of auditory nerve fibers. It was shown that in order to reproduce the temporal structure of the pulses in the ensemble response, the resulting receptor potential must correspond to the response thresholds of most of the ensemble fibers. At short intervals between pulses in a pair, the reproduction of the temporal structure of the second pulse (echo pulse) was facilitated by an increase in the response thresholds of the fibers of the ensemble due to the refractory properties caused by the action of the first pulse (probe pulse model). At large intervals between pulses in a pair, variations in the peak amplitudes of the first pulse (probing pulse models) could be responsible for the reproduction of the structure of the second pulse (echo pulse). It was shown that the modeling is a convenient means to identify different ways of the adjustment of echo pulses to the auditory sensitivity of dolphins in the phases of searching for and capturing prey.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)316-326
Number of pages11
JournalBiophysics (Russian Federation)
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2021

    Research areas

  • auditory nerve fibers, Keywords: echolocation, peripheral coding, reproduction of the temporal structure of echo pulses

    Scopus subject areas

  • Biophysics

ID: 93580434