It is very important not only for artistic life, but for the whole culture, for the whole complex of cultural attitudes (religious-philosophical attitudes and economic base) -- to deduce the most important modern trends in art. The transition, the jump (!) to the Global world can be seen as an intrusion into the culture of the masses, which awakened from a centuries-old natural-traditional hibernation, as the expansion, which is determined by the increased demographic pressure and by the widening of cultural space. Integrally new socio-demographic and technological conditions can be described as global democratization. An extensive trend of this process is characterized by the strengthening of the «mass» and by the lowering of cultural qualification. How is it possible to support the efficacy of art influence in conditions of simplified and shortness perception (of low reliability of information transmission)when a conservative «classical» methods do not work? Let us look (in searches of the answer) on actu
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Association of Empirical Aesthetics
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • artist, technology, democratization, duplication, reproducibility, algorithm, juvenilism, art, avant-garde, globalism, redundancy.

ID: 4718990