This article presents the technique for estimating a university's brand in the new economic conditions. In the new economic conditions image and brand of public sector institutions are closely linked to the development of the human capital of these institutions so a lack of motivation can have a negative impact on the image. Monitoring of brand strength will allow to take in time measures on complex development of the resource potential of public sector institutions in order to increase its competitiveness on the basis of image and brand. Presented technique uses the integration of known methodologies: Boston consulting group, Kevin Keller and Y&R.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlobalizacia a jej socialno-ekonomicke dosledky ‘13
Subtitle of host publicationZbornik prispevkov z medzinarodnej vedeckej konferencie
Place of PublicationŽilinа
PublisherEDIS-Zilina University publisher
ISBN (Print)ISSN 1336-5878
StatePublished - 2013
EventGLOBALIZATION AND ITS SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES : 13th International Scientific Conference - Žilinska Univerzita v Žiline, Žilinа, Russian Federation
Duration: 9 Oct 201310 Oct 2013


Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Research areas

  • public sector, brand, brand evaluation, Keller method, Y & R method, BCG matrix, brand value, brand advantage

ID: 51730866