The North Katpar LLP (hereinafter the Customer) requested and Mineral Resources Engineering LLC (hereinafter the Contractor) carried out estimation of mineral resources of the tungsten-molybdenum deposit Upper Kayrakty in the Shet district, Karaganda region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Mineral resources estimation in the Technical report (the Report) is prepared in line with the JORCCode 2012.
MRE LLC is an independent consulting company whose employees are geologists, metallurgists, mining engineers, economists, environmental safety specialists with a considerable professional experience in the field of Geology and Mining.
Translated title of the contributionТехнический отчет оценки минеральных ресурсов месторождения Верхнее Кайрактинское, Карагандинская область Республика Казахстан в соответствии с кодексом JORC-2012
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSt.Petersburg Russia
Number of pages139
StatePublished - Apr 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Scopus subject areas

  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)

ID: 71306538