The NdF3–Nd2S3 system attracts attention of researchers due to the possibility of using LnSF compounds (Ln = rare earth element) as possible new p- and n-type materials. The samples of this system were synthesized from NdF3 and Nd2S3. The NdSF compound belongs to the PbFCl structural type, P4/nmm space group, unit cell parameters: a = 3.9331(20) Å, c = 6.9081(38) Å. The experimentally determined direct and indirect NdSF bandgaps are equal to 2.68 eV and 2.24 eV. The electronic band structure was calculated via DFT simulation. The NdSF compound melts congruently at T = 1385 ± 10°С, ΔНm = 40.5 ± 10 kJ/mol, ΔS = 24.4 ± 10 J/mol. The NdSF microhardness is 455 ± 10 HV. Five phase transformations in the NdF3–Nd2S3 system were recorded by DSC; their balance equations were derived. The liquidus of the system calculated from the Redlich–Kister equation is fully consistent with the DSC data. © 2024 Elsevier Inc.
Original languageEnglish
Article number124640
JournalJournal of Solid State Chemistry
StatePublished - 1 May 2024

    Research areas

  • Microhardness, Neodymium fluorosulfide, Optical band gap, Phase diagram, Chlorine compounds, Energy gap, Fluorine compounds, Lead compounds, Neodymium compounds, Phase diagrams, Rare earths, Compound phase, Electronic band structure, N-type materials, Neodymium fluorosulphide, P and n types, Property, Space Groups, Structural type, Synthesised, Unit cell parameters

ID: 117486611