• Olga Deyneka
  • Ekaterina Zabelina
  • Svetlana Kurnosova
  • Marina Lukmanova
Negative effects of globalization are visible in the most remote parts of our planet today including human life in the Arctic. Perhaps, economic changes are the most painful for the small indigenous peoples of the North. The active development of the fuel and energy sector causing environmental problems limits the opportunities for traditional farming and creates a need to change the economic behavior strategies of the indigenous peoples of the North. However, this particular behavior including attitude towards money has not been sufficiently studied. Money attitudes were studied (N=75) using the Money Beliefs and Behavior Scale (Furnham, 1984). The results of the factor analysis have showed a more fractional structure than in Furnham's studies (1984, 2014) indicating a complex and ambiguous (more diverse)
picture of the reflection of money in the economic mind of northern peoples. Nine factors were identified and supported by strong correlation links: money as power, money as an indicator in social comparison, money as evil, the factor of respect for money, factor of money fetishism, factor of restrictive behavior, and factor of financial control, factor of financial anxiety, factor of financial success or failure. Despite a
large number of factors, the main trends of money attitudes of small indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic can be observed. They do not put money first in their values, do not use them as a tool of influence on other people, they respect those who know how to save money and do not spend it in vain. At the same time, there is a place for financial anxiety and pessimism, negative feelings related to money. The results should be taken into account in the program for the transformation of the economic behavior of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic.
Translated title of the contributionСтрутура монетарных аттитюдов у малых народов российской Арктики(на примере ненцев)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPsychology Applications & Developmen VI
EditorsClara Pracana
Place of PublicationЛиссабон
PublisherInScience Press
StatePublished - Apr 2020
EventInternational Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2020 - Мадейра, Portugal
Duration: 25 Apr 202027 Apr 2020

Publication series

NameAdvances in Psychology and Psychological Trends Series


ConferenceInternational Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2020
Abbreviated titleInPACT
Internet address

    Scopus subject areas

  • Psychology(all)

    Research areas

  • Money Attitudes, Small Indigenous Peoples, Russian Arctic, Nenets

ID: 71415536