Based on recent measurements of magnetic fields of the OBA stars we studied the statistical properties of their magnetic fields. As one of the statistically significant characteristics of the magnetic field we use the average effective magnetic field of the star ⟨B⟩. The distribution function f(⟨B⟩) of magnetic fields OBA stars is investigated. The function f(⟨B⟩) has a The function f() has a power-law dependence on the with an index of about 2-3 and a fast drop at ⟨B⟩ ≤ 300G for BA-stars and ⟨B⟩ ≤ 80G for O-stars.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPutting A Stars into Context: Evolution, Environment, and Related Stars -- Proceedings of the international conference held on June 3-7, 2013 at Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University in Moscow, Russia. Eds: G. Mathys, E. Griffin, O. Kochukhov, R. Monier, G. Wahlgren
PublisherИздательство «Перо»
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9785000862735
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • stars: magnetic fields - statistics

ID: 7030913