

We study the wave-related (AC) and static (DC) parallel Poynting vector (Poynting energy flux) as a function of altitude in auroral field lines using Polar EFI and MFE data. The study is statistical and contains 5 years of data in the altitude range 5000-30 000km. We verify the low altitude part of the results by comparison with earlier Astrid-2 EMMA Poynting vector statistics at 1000km altitude. The EMMA data are also used to statistically compensate the Polar results for the missing zonal electric field component. We compare the Poynting vector with previous statistical DMSP satellite data concerning the electron precipitation power. We find that the AC Poynting vector (Alfvenwave related Poynting vector) is statistically not sufficient to power auroral electron precipitation, although it may, for K-P > 2, power 25-50% of it. The statistical AC Poynting vector also has a stepwise transition at R=4 R-E, so that its amplitude increases with increasing altitude. We suggest that this corresponds to Alfven waves being in Landau resonance with electrons, so that wave-induced electron acceleration takes place at this altitude range, which was earlier named the Alfven Resonosphere (ARS). The DC Poynting vector is similar to 3 times larger than electron precipitation and corresponds mainly to ionospheric Joule heating. In the morning sector (02:00-06:00 MLT) we find that the DC Poynting vector has a nontrivial altitude profile such that it decreases by a factor of similar to 2 when moving upward from 3 to 4 RE radial distance. In other nightside MLT sectors the altitude profile is more uniform. The morning sector nontrivial altitude profile may be due to divergence

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1797-1806
Number of pages10
JournalAnnales Geophysicae
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • magnetospheric physics, auroral phenomena, magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions, space plasma physics, wave-particle interactions, ELECTRIC-FIELDS, FLUX, SATELLITE, FREQUENCY, DE-2

    Scopus subject areas

  • Physics and Astronomy(all)

ID: 28045980