Abstract: A similarity of electron ionization mass spectra of various alkyl esters of benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic (phthalic) acid places special demands on the reliability of the identification of monoalkyl phthalates, often recognized as dialkyl phthalates and vice versa. An original mass spectrometric criterion is proposed for the group identification of monoalkyl phthalates (assignment to a subgroup of homologues), which assumes the calculation of the total relative intensity of ion peaks at m/z > 170. In the mass spectra of monoalkyl esters, this value does not exceed 1%, whereas for dialkyl ethers, it varies from 1 to 172%. Within the set subgroups of isomers, it becomes effective to use the homologous increments of the retention indices, iRI = RI – 100x, where x = int (M/14), to refine the identification results. Using predefined iRI values and the ratio М ≈ 0.14(RI – iRI) + y, we can estimate the molecular weights of compounds in the mass spectra of which the molecular ion signals are not detected or are of low intensity (including monoalkyl phthalates). In addition, iRI values are in many cases informative for estimating the number of branches of the sp3 carbon skeleton of molecules (Z) based on regression relations of the form of iRI = aZ + b. The examination of homologous increments of the retention indices of dialkyl phthalates revealed an anomalous dependence of their values on the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl fragments of the molecules: from +125 (СН3) to –33 (С10Н21). In the subgroup of monoalkyl phthalates, such anomalies were not observed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1322-1329
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Analytical Chemistry
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2020

    Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry

    Research areas

  • comparison with dialkyl phthalates, electron ionization mass spectra, gas chromatographic retention indices, group identification, homologous increments of retention indices, monoalkyl phthalates

ID: 88427337