In the present paper, the process of inverse double-Compton (IDC) scattering is considered in the context of astrophysical applications. It is assumed that the two hard X-ray photons emitted from an astrophysical source are scattered on a free electron and converted into a single soft photon of optical range. Using the QED S-matrix formalism for the derivation of a cross-section of direct double-Compton (DDC) scattering and assuming detailed balance conditions, an analytical expression for the cross-section of the IDC process is presented. It is shown that at fixed energies of incident photons, the inverse cross-section has no infrared divergences, and its behavior is completely defined by the spectral characteristics of the photon source itself, in particular by the finite interaction time of radiation with an electron. Thus, even for the direct process, the problem of resolving infrared divergence actually refers to a real physical source of radiation in which photons are never actually plane waves. As a result, the physical frequency profile of the scattered radiation for DDC as well as for IDC processes is a function of both the intensity and line shape of the incident photon field.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1167-1174
Number of pages8
JournalPhysics (Switzerland)
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2021

    Research areas

  • Compton scattering, Double Compton scattering, Quantum electrodynamics

ID: 115590492