• V. M. Mikoushkin
  • V. V. Shnitov
  • A. A. Lebedev
  • S. P. Lebedev
  • S. Yu Nikonov
  • O. Yu Vilkov
  • T. Iakimov
  • R. Yakimova

Abstract We have observed the energy structure in the density of occupied states of graphene grown on n-type 6H-SiC (0 0 0 1). The structure revealed with photoelectron spectroscopy is described by creation of the quantum well states whose number and the energy position (E1 = 0.3 eV, E2 = 1.2 eV, E3 = 2.6 eV) coincide with the calculated ones for deep (V = 2.9 eV) and narrow (d = 2.15 Å) quantum well formed by potential relief of the valence bands in the structure graphene/n-SiC. We believe that the quantum well states should be formed also in graphene on dielectric and in suspended graphene.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9639
Pages (from-to)139-145
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2015

    Scopus subject areas

  • Chemistry(all)

ID: 9291251