The article deals with the basic provisions of the theory of self-organization, characterizes their ability to modify the management process in various industries and economic spheres. The specificity of self-organization in relation to lifelong professional education, its sources, methodology, factors that need to be taken into account in the formation of managerial decisions are investigated. The article reflects the cyclical nature of continuing professional education, the content and structure of its inherent self-organization cycle with its ability to ensure sustainable development and functioning of the system of continuing professional education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)05010
Number of pages6
JournalE3S Web of Conferences
StatePublished - 27 May 2021
EventSustainable Development and” Green “Growth on the Innovation Management Platform: IV International Scientific and Practical Conference - Kaliningrad, Russian Federation
Duration: 27 May 202128 May 2021

ID: 92111141