Due to the very efficient relaxation of elastic stress on strain-free sidewalls, III-V nanowires offer almost unlimited possibilities for bandgap engineering in nanowire heterostructures by using material combinations that are attainable in epilayers. However, axial nanowire heterostructures grown using the vapor-liquid-solid method often suffer from the reservoir effect in a catalyst droplet. Control over the interfacial abruptness in nanowire heterostructures based on the group V interchange is more difficult than for group-III-based materials, because the low concentrations of highly volatile group V atoms cannot be measured after or during growth. Here, we develop a self-consistent model for calculations of the coordinate-dependent compositional profiles in the solid and liquid phases during the vapor-liquid-solid growth of the axial nanowire heterostructure Ax0B1-x0C/Ax1B1-x1C with any stationary compositions x0 and x1. The only assumption of the model is that the growth rates of both binaries AC and BC are proportional to the concentrations of group V atoms A and B in a catalyst droplet, requiring high enough supersaturations in liquid phase. The model contains a minimum number of parameters and fits quite well the data on the interfacial abruptness across double heterostructures in GaP/GaAs xP 1-x/GaP nanowires. It can be used for any axial III-V nanowire heterostructures obtained through the vapor-liquid-solid method. It forms a basis for further developments in modeling the complex growth process and suppression of the interfacial broadening caused by the reservoir effect.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number10
StatePublished - 7 May 2024

    Research areas

  • VLS growth, compositional profiles, group V interchange, modeling, nanowire heterostructures

ID: 121683725