The two-dimensional (2D) domain under study is bounded from below by two semi-infinite and, between them, two finite straight lines; on each of the straight lines (segments), a usually individual impedance boundary condition is imposed. An incident surface wave, propagating from infinity along one semi-infinite segment of the polygonal domain, excites outgoing surface waves both on the same segment (a reflected wave) and on the second semi-infinite segment (a transmitted wave); in addition, a circular (cylindrical) outgoing wave will be generated in the far field. The scattered wave field satisfies the Helmholtz equation and the Robin (in other words, impedance) boundary conditions as well as some special integral form of the Sommerfeld radiation conditions. It is shown that a classical solution of the problem is unique. By the use of some known extension of the Sommerfeld–Malyuzhinets technique, the problem is reduced to functional Malyuzhinets equations and then to a system of integral equations of the second kind with integral operator depending on a characteristic parameter. The Fredholm property of the equations is established, which also leads to the existence of the solution for noncharacteristic values of the parameter. From the Sommerfeld integral representation of the solution, the farfield asymptotics is developed. Numerical results for the scattering diagram are also presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)255–282
Number of pages28
JournalSt. Petersburg Mathematical Journal
Volume 33
Issue number2
StatePublished - 4 Mar 2022

    Scopus subject areas

  • Analysis
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Applied Mathematics

    Research areas

  • Far-field asymptotics, Fredholm integral equation, Functional equations, Impedance boundary of a polygon, Numerical solution, Surface waves

ID: 100853309