«INFANTRU» and «CHILDRU» are the first Russian child speech database. The corpus «INFANTRU» contains longitudinal vocalizations and speech records (n=2967) of 99 children from 3 mos to 36 mos by long utterances sequences and separate utterances in different psychoemotional state of the child. The database “CHILDRU” contains the records (n=28079, 13956Mb) of 150 children’s speech at the age from 4 to 7 years. Speech material are presented by the following situations: spontaneous speech, answers to questions, reading, poetry or retelling a tale, count and alphabet, play. Speech files format is Windows PCM, 22050 Hz, 16 bit.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInterspeech, 2010 International speech Communication Association
Place of PublicationMakuhari
PublisherInternational Speech Communication Association
ISBN (Print)9781617821233
StatePublished - 2010

    Research areas

  • child speech database, spectrographic analysis, phonetic transcriptions, vocalizations, child speech

ID: 4410499