In this paper we investigate response of the total ozone column to energetic electron precipitation (EEP) observed by bremsstrahlung effect. The list of EEP events was prepared by members of the balloon experiments of the Lebedev Physical Institute. Here we used superposed epoch analysis and the days with EEP events are registered during winter (November-February) and summer (June-August) months from 1970 to 2012 were chosen as key dates. This period corresponds approximately to three solar cycles. Data of the total ozone column were collected by single coherent total ozone dataset, called the Multi Sensor Reanalysis (MSR). A long series of data of the total ozone column is allowed us to study the response of ozone content to 90 winter and 103 summer EEP events. The obtained ozone sensitivity to the events of energetic electron precipitation is clearly pronounced during local winters in the high latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (60-80 NH and 60-80 SH). In the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, during winter months, the total ozone content can be reduced by up to 10 DU after energetic electron precipitation with minimum observed on the first day after EEP events. Response of the total ozone, over high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, to EEP events can be opposite during summer months.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)153-158
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Issue numberNovember
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2018
EventКомандировка для выполнения совместной научной работы в Университете Оулу, Финляндия
Краткое название__Акроним IAS_11.42.675.2017: IAS_11.42.675.2017
Duration: 1 Dec 201711 Dec 2017

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Space and Planetary Science

    Research areas

  • Energetic electron precipitation (EEP) events, Polar atmosphere, Total ozone column, ATMOSPHERIC IONIZATION, MULTI SENSOR REANALYSIS

ID: 35510502