The preparation methods and reactions of isoxazoles are described and systematized on the basis of analysis of the literature
published from 2005 to present. In the discussion of synthesis, major attention is focused on the most efficient approaches:
condensation of hydroxylamine with 1,3-dielectrophiles and reactions of nitrile oxides with alkenes and alkynes. Five-
membered ring opening reactions leading to acyclic functionalized or other heterocyclic compounds are considered. The
transformations of isoxazole derivatives that occur without ring cleavage to form fused heterocyclic systems, as well as
reactions that lead to the introduction of C-substituents into isoxazoles, are considered. Data on the biological activity of
some isoxazole derivatives are reported.
The bibliography includes 439 references.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)335-377
JournalRussian Chemical Reviews
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2015

ID: 3923944