The article examines methodological trends and combinations in the discourse of political strategic management of dangers and threats under the conditions of the new specific type of risk society formation, which is qualitatively different from the classical version of the 'risk society'. In this study, using a risk-reflexive approach, authors propose a research route to analyze the transformation of public governance and enlighten the main directions of social behaviour strategies modeling, designing tools for prevention and reducing negative effects of emerging risks. Based on the analysis of the 'Giddens paradox' and the concept of 'organized irresponsibility' by U. Beck, the problems of the efficiency of public governance institutions in ensuring security and preventing threats are considered. The authors' attention is focused on analyzing the hierarchy of ways to justify the acceptability of risk and the subjects of risk management. Approaches to the classification of types of power used by subjects of public risk management are investigated. In this regard, the article identifies three mechanisms for the formation of risk-reflexivity (forced, imitative, normative). A theoretical perspective is presented for considering informational, strategic, institutional, motivational and simulation risk reflections in public governance process. Special attention is paid to the main forms of public governance competencies in political risk management, especially in the context of digital transformation, which opens up new opportunities for information impact and cognitive programming of risk perception.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to) 269–279
Number of pages11
Journal Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Философия и конфликтология
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2024

    Research areas

  • 'risk society', public governance, risk, risk reflection, risk-stakeholders

ID: 125801391