Presented cognitive studies aimed to identifying the individual properties of macro saccades, one of the most important oculomotor functions during text, the fairy tales reading. We measure, in the form of abstracts, the reduced analogue of the "school essays", the capabilities of our subjects, the students of liberal arts colleges, to understand the presented text (morality of tales). Evaluation of this abstracts was conducted by independent experts using school 6 point scales. The preparing of the abstract wasn't limited in time. We found that there is not any relationship between reading speed and the quality of the interpretation of the text. No relationship of understanding the hidden morality with the number of characters being picked for the fixation and the mean duration of the macro saccades. Correlation analysis showed an inverse relationship between the number of returns and the understanding of the text, more macro saccades returns--the worse was the understanding of the text. There is an inverse relationship between the number of exciting characters and a number of macro saccades. Number of fixations (capture) increases the reading of the text. This means that the bandwidth of visual channel per time unit is determined by the number of captured characters. Less number of captured during fixation of signs--more time reading and less bandwidth of the eyes per time unit.

Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)23-28
JournalFiziologiia cheloveka
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2015

    Scopus subject areas

  • Medicine(all)

ID: 3987671