The article presents the results of an empirical study of the image of Russia during the "first wave" of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the psychological characteristics of its inhabitants (anxiety, hardiness, indicators of psychological and political stability). Seven main factors of assessing the image of Russia were identified, explaining 69% of the total variance: “state potential”, “political aggression”, “economic and political security”, “sympathy for the country”, “political stability”, “internal tension”, “national cultural specificity”. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, Russia is assessed in terms of economic, military and political parameters that determine the stability and safety of the population. Despite the presence of negative trends in assessments of the image of Russia, the general attitude towards the country remains positive. Respondents with low personal anxiety are inclined to a higher assessment of the Russian economy, observance of human rights in the country, and the effectiveness of foreign policy; with high personal anxiety - to the formation of negative ideas about the economic and political development of the country; with high situational anxiety - to a more pronounced assessment of Russia's military power, as well as the presence of serious internal conflicts in the country
Translated title of the contributionПсихологические детерминанты образа России в период пандемии Covid-19
Original languageEnglish
Article number322
Pages (from-to)2887-2895
Number of pages9
JournalEuropean Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS
Issue number116
StatePublished - 25 Sep 2021
EventII Международная конференция "Экономические и социальные тренды устойчивого развития современного общества" - Санкт-Петербург, Красноярск, Russian Federation
Duration: 19 May 202121 May 2021
Conference number: II

    Scopus subject areas

  • Psychology(all)

ID: 90834295