Evolution of living organisms is closely connected with evolution of structure of the system of regulations and its mechanisms. The functional ground of regulations is chemical signalization. As early as in unicellular organisms there is a set of signal mechanisms providing their life activity and orientation in space and time. Subsequent evolution of ways of chemical signalization followed the way of development of ways of delivery of chemical signal and development of mechanisms of its regulation. The mechanisms of chemical regulation of the signal interaction is discussed by the example of the specialized system of transduction of signal from neuron to neuron, of effect of hormone on the epithelial cell and modulation of this effect. These mechanisms are considered as the most important ways of the fine and precise adaptation of chemical signalization underlying functioning of physiological systems and organs of the living organism.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)495-504
Number of pages10
JournalZhurnal evoliutsionnoǐ biokhimii i fiziologii
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2010

ID: 110931025